
The Whodunnit Puzzle Book

80 Cosy Crime Puzzles to Solve
13,40 EUR
inkl. MwSt
Lieferzeit 2-4 Werktage
  • 07.09.2023
  • Buch
  • 224 Seiten
  • Paperback
  • ISBN: 978-1-78929-582-5
  • AutorInnen: Gareth Moore, Laura Jayne Ayres
  • Buchtitel: The Whodunnit Puzzle Book
  • Untertitel: 80 Cosy Crime Puzzles to Solve
  • ISBN: 978-1-78929-582-5
  • Produktart: Buch
  • Seiten: 224
  • Erscheinung: 07.09.2023
  • Einband: Paperback
Summon your inner Miss Marple and get ready to deduce whodunnit in this fiendish collection of crime puzzles from Dr Gareth Moore. Mischief is afoot, and you’ve been summoned to stop it – pit your wits against nefarious criminals and solve a townful of mysteries. Put your Agatha Christie hat on and find out if you’re sharp enough to catch the criminals before they cause any more trouble. Featuring 10 scenarios, each scenario opens with a scene setting and notes made in the notebook of the investigator which lead you through a series of puzzles to the denouement. With all kinds of puzzles, including logic, word, number, picture and memory challenges, this book will put your wits to the test – so grab a cup of tea and a pencil and get ready to snuggle up with this perplexing collection of cosy crime puzzles.

 Dr Gareth Moore (B.Sc (Hons) M.Phil Ph.D) is the internationally bestselling author of a wide range of brain-training and puzzle books for both children and adults, including Anti-stress Puzzles, Ultimate Dot to Dot, Brain Games for Clever Kids®, Lateral Logic, Extreme Mazes and The Ordinance Survey Puzzle Book. His books have sold over a million copies in the UK alone and have sold in 35 different languages. He is also the creator of online brain-training site BrainedUp.com and runs the daily puzzle site PuzzleMix.com. Laura Jayne Ayres (Author) Laura Jayne Ayres is a puzzle writer and researcher.After studying Linguistics at the University ofCambridge, she worked as a playwright before joiningDr Gareth Moore’s puzzle team. Books that she hasworked on include Hacked: The Cyber Crime Puzzle Book,The Great British Puzzle Book, The Perfect Crime PuzzleBook, The Nautical Puzzle Book and The Ordnance SurveyKids’ Adventure Book.


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