
Grumpy Monkey Spring Fever

15,30 EUR
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Lieferzeit 2-4 Werktage
  • Verlag: Random House LLC US
  • 02.01.2024
  • Hardcover
  • 32 Seiten
  • Hardcover
  • ISBN: 978-0-593-65233-6
  • AutorInnen: Suzanne Lang
  • Buchtitel: Grumpy Monkey Spring Fever
  • ISBN: 978-0-593-65233-6
  • Verlag: Random House LLC US
  • Produktart: Hardcover
  • Seiten: 32
  • Erscheinung: 02.01.2024
  • Einband: Hardcover
When Jim runs through the jungle laughing and shouting with glee, the other animals are very concerned. This just isn t the grumpy Jim they know. Soon Norman diagnoses Jim with a bad case of spring fever and tells Jim that he needs to find a cure. The other jungle animals offer suggestions: Take a calming breath! Sniff lavender! Take a nap! Try a time-out! Jim tries everything to get his grump back, but when nothing works, it becomes contagious and the other animals catch spring fever too. Soon the jungle erupts into a silly celebration of springtime as they all join in the fun.

From the bestselling team Suzanne and Max Lang comes another fun filled adventure starring the beloved chaacter Jim Panzee. Lively illustrations offering a belly laugh on every spread will delight the many Grumpy Monkey fans.
Suzanne Lang is the author of the New York Times bestselling Grumpy Monkey books as well as several other titles. When she s not writing books, Suzanne writes for animation. When she s not doing that, she hangs out with her very funny kids, feeds her many pets, and tries (but usually fails) to take a nap!

Max Lang has illustrated over 20 books including all of the books in the Grumpy Monkey series. When he is not making books he makes films. He has co-directed several animated films including The Snail and the Whale, Zog, Room on the Broom, and The Gruffalo. He has received three BAFTAs, two Emmys, two Oscar nominations, and many other honors for his film work. In his spare time he tries to make his kids laugh with dad jokes, and when he inevitably fails, he takes his dogs for a walk.


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