
Free the Tipple (revised ed.)

Kickass Cocktails Inspired by Iconic Women
16,50 EUR
inkl. MwSt
Lieferzeit 2-4 Werktage
  • Verlag: Prestel
  • 27.09.2023
  • Buch
  • 144 Seiten
  • Hardcover
  • ISBN: 978-3-7913-8988-2
  • AutorInnen: Jennifer Croll
  • Buchtitel: Free the Tipple (revised ed.)
  • Untertitel: Kickass Cocktails Inspired by Iconic Women
  • ISBN: 978-3-7913-8988-2
  • Verlag: Prestel
  • Produktart: Buch
  • Seiten: 144
  • Erscheinung: 27.09.2023
  • Einband: Hardcover
  • Reihe (Titel): Cocktails
  • Bandnummer: 5
  • Format: 160 x 195 mm
This new edition of the wildly popular cocktail book features revised and updated texts and a bold new cover.

Sixty of the world’s coolest and most influential women are the inspiration for this refreshing and fun collection of drink recipes that are sure to bring extra zest to your cocktail shaker. Free the Tipple pays tribute to a brilliant range of diverse women from the 20th century to today who have made waves in entertainment, the arts, politics, fashion, literature, sports, and science, including Frida Kahlo, Rihanna, Serena Williams, Virginia Woolf, Yoko Ono, Zaha Hadid, Marlene Dietrich, Zadie Smith, and more. Each double-page spread features a recipe crafted to reflect its namesake’s personality, style, or legacy. This ranges from The Gloria Steinem, which uses a complex liquor with a radical twist, to The Beyoncé, made, of course, with lemonade. The cocktails are simple to make, kitchen-tested, and incorporate easy-to find ingredients. Snappy, informative biographies, illustrated with vibrant portraits, offer revealing insights into the women's lives. This highly original guide to delicious beverages is a perfect gift for those in your life who encourage and inspire you.
JENNIFER CROLL is a writer and editor whose work has appeared in a variety of publications, including Nylon, Adbusters, and Dazed & Confused. Her previous books include Bad Girls of Fashion: Style Rebels from Cleopatra to Lady Gaga and Fashion that Changed the World (Prestel). She lives in Vancouver, Canada. KELLY SHAMI is a New York City-based multidisciplinary artist who has collaborated with Adidas, Nike, CoverGirl, and more. She is also the designer of her own jewelry line, SHAMI.


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